Emergencies or Urgent Home Visits
In an Emergency during normal surgery hours an Urgent visit can be arranged by ringing the surgery. If a doctor is available in the building a receptionist will arrange for you to speak to him/her. If all the doctors are out visiting, the receptionist will contact a doctor to deal with your problem.
In an Emergency at night or after surgery please ring 999, or if you require non emergency advice you can ring NHS 111.
Out of Hours
If the surgery is closed please ring NHS 111 for medical advice. This number is free from landlines and mobiles.
The free to call 111 number is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, to respond to people’s healthcare needs when:
• You need medical help fast, but it’s not a 999 emergency
• You don’t know who to call for medical help or you don’t have a GP to call
• You think you need to go to A&E or another NHS urgent care service
• You require health information or reassurance about what to do next.
Callers to 111 are put through to a team of highly trained call advisers, who are supported by experienced nurses. They use a clinical assessment system and ask questions to assess callers’ needs and determine the most appropriate course of action, including:
• Callers facing an emergency will have an ambulance despatched without delay;
• Callers who can care for themselves will have information, advice and reassurance provided;
• Callers requiring further care or advice will be referred to a service that has the appropriate skills and resources to meet their needs; or
• Callers requiring services outside the scope of NHS 111 will be provided with details of an alternative service.
The NHS 111 service also provides management information to commissioners regarding the demand for and usage of services in order to enable the commissioning of more effective and productive services that are designed to meet people’s needs.
Non-Emergency Hospital Transport
If you are unable to find your own transport to attend a hospital appointment T.E.N.Y.A.S. offer a free transport service. You will have to ring 0845 0567060 to arrange this service. They will determine whether you are eligible for this. There is also a leaflet available at the surgery reception.